In Your Language

Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Day of Prayer

[I have many things to do today.  But I always get this feeling that I need to pray or write devotions BEFORE I get to my "to-do list." I usually do a  Youversion devotion online, listen to a Christian radio broadcast, read from my two current Christian books... and write something (usually with a Christian theme) to kick off a productive day. But most importantly, I do most of this before I interact with anyone in the house... for their sanity? LOL]

Today is something I am enthusiastic about. My whole childhood, I was left to mostly talking to myself, writing to myself and writing to the universe of sorts. I used to feel like the only person who would ever hear the words of my heart and soul were my pets and the paper.

I spent so much time alone, I wish I had used at least part of that time talking to the Lord. And now with life being so busy with family and college work, now I have to be so intentional about carving time for that vertical relationship (not my own phrase). I missed out on prime time with My God.

If I had known that the Lord would have been listening, I would have felt free. I don't recall anyone within my Catholic upbringing showing me how to pray outside of Hail Mary and Our Father. Someone to show me how to intimately pray to my Father Above.

It's not that I think my words are spectacular or powerful. But I do to some great level (though not completely) understand the power of invoking God's will. So when I talk to him... when I pray over people, I know it will be my last step and the beginning of God's task with his boundless power to fulfill that prayer. My prayer is a catalyst for God's intervention. I cannot change a heart, but God can with my urging. I cannot change myself without inviting God to carve the unsightly from my character and being. I can't even know how to act righteously without asking for God's leadership and guidance.

I have come to appreciate God's answers to my prayers. He answers in his own time and expects me to be observant and open to his presence. I can honestly say that I've felt other people's prayers bless me and my family. I used to think it was so cheap to hear "I'll pray for you." But, now- I feel the love of the person and the Power of God behind that phrase and it comforts me.

Prayers says: I know I can't do it alone; I know I don't have the power; I know I don't know enough; I know I have no place to change others; your will God, not mine; it hands over my words to the censorship of God rather than of man. But it does communicate our sincere intentions for positive change, love and God's will for life on Earth and in Heaven.

A prayer is like offering someone a fantasy. Like some parents resort to doing in Nurturing Parenting theory, offer the fantasy to the child to break down the conflict: "I wish you could be healthy and only eat cookies for  meals. Wouldn't that be great?" "Wouldn't it be great if there was no such thing as homework?" It's knowing where our power ends and where something beyond us (God- if you will) takes over.

So today, don't do anything fancy. But if it is in your fancy, say a prayer over our country, over our families, marriages, economy, politicians, school systems, healthcare systems, animals and the condition of our own hearts. It's not about my or your position- you're invoking power beyond us. It's that easy and it brings our anxious hearts a little closer to peace.

For me, I'm going to pray for my future grandchildren, future daughter and son in laws, nieces and nephews. I going to pray for the roles that I will be assuming in life, that I may fill them to God's satisfaction. I'll pray for our relationships, for redemption, for healing. God bless us all as we have never needed his blessing more than this day in OUR COUNTRY.

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